Are You Sweating A Lot? Here's What Might Be Causing It
Sep 14, 2023 By Madison Evans

The body sweats to cool down when the temperature gets high and to remove the chemicals. You can sweat too much during exercise or if you are frightened, which is normal. But, many people drip sweat even if they are not sweating or it's not too hot.

So, you might have seen them carrying the towel as their hands always remain wet. For those, sweating becomes a problem, sometimes harder to live with. But do you know what causes excessive sweating?

Hormonal changes, diabetes, infection, medicines, fever, anxiety, leukemia, heart attack, obesity, and thyroid issues are the major causes of excessive sweating.

Everybody sweats, and that is natural. But, if you sweat more than you need, that might be alarming. Persistent sweating is a problem that can also affect other aspects of life. Therefore, it is crucial to understand its core cause and go for the treatment accordingly. Let's find the major reasons for this condition together if you also sweat too much!

What Causes Excessive Sweating?

Are you wondering to know """ why am I sweating so much"; below are the causes of your excessive sweating:

Primary Hyperhidrosis

It is the sudden excessive sweating but without any medical cause. It can be general sweating, or you may sweat excessively around different body parts, including the face, soles, groin area, or armpits.

You might sweat too much in stress or long after doing exercise. Also, even if you are sweating without any reason, that is pretty much normal. Besides, you will sweat more with this condition than others.

Changes In Hormones

During menopause, when various changes occur in the body, night sweats become normal. Due to the hot flashes, you will sweat more, particularly around your head, face, and chest. Many times, you may wake up drenched in sweat. So, if you are sweating excessively, it is because of a hormonal imbalance.


Fever is the common cause of sweating, especially when the body fights against infection and temperature rises. Therefore, to cool down the body, you start sweating. Besides the sweating, you may also feel weakness, body pain, or headache. So, to ensure you are sweating because of a fever, check your body temperature. You suffer from fever if it is more than 103 degrees Fahrenheit.


It is the condition where your body starts producing too much thyroxine, the hormone involved in metabolism. When your body produces excessive thyroxine, your metabolic rate increases, increasing the heartbeat, sweating, and appetite.


Sweating can also be a sign of infection, for instance:


The bone infection can cause pain, swelling, fever, stiffness, chills, arability, and redness. But do you know it can also cause sweating in the affected body or area?


The inflammation of the inner lining of the heart is known as Endocarditis. Patients' most common symptoms during this condition include night sweats, pale skin, chills, nausea, and joint or muscle pain.


Coughing, chest pain, fever, and fatigue are the different signs of tuberculosis. But, if you also face sudden excessive sweating, this is also a symptom of this disease.


Sweating can be the side effect of different medicines, including diabetes, cholinesterase inhibitors, painkillers, hormonal replacement therapy, or antidepressants.


Diabetic patients can face excessive sweating in various situations, like sleeping due to lower sugar levels or after eating certain foods. From all of these, the lower sugar level is the most common cause of excessive sweating. Due to lower sugar levels, the body produces more adrenaline, which causes excessive sweating. So, if you are a diabetic patient, keep the sugar level in control.


It is a type of cancer in the lymphatic and bone marrow. The body produces abnormal white blood cells which do not function properly. Excessive nighttime sweating also becomes common when you witness other symptoms like fever, bone pain, and multiple infections.

Heart Attack

The sudden excessive sweating is a clear sign of a heart attack. Heart attacks occur when something blocks the blood flow towards the heart. As a result, the heart lacks oxygen and blood, and because of this, the body starts sweating excessively. Also, the patient feels tightness in the chest, which travels toward the arm.


Obesity causes many problems and forces the body to work double time to function properly, resulting in excessive sweating. Besides that, the heart pumps so hard to get enough oxygen, raising the body temperature and causing sweating. It may surprise you, but simple tasks such as walking, sitting, or standing may cause too much sweating.

How To Know If You Sweat Too Much?

Sweating on the hot summer days or while you are nervous is normal. But many people sweat all the time regardless of the time of the day or season. If you are one of those people and curious to find whether you are sweating excessively or it's just your assumption, the following are the signs of hyperhidrosis:

  • Sweating a lot, even cold outside, is a sign of hyperhidrosis.
  • You might need to change clothes multiple times daily due to the excessive seating.
  • The wetness on your hands and feet is a sign of hyperhidrosis.
  • Sweating makes your everyday life activities a little difficult.
  • If any of your family members is suffering from hyperhidrosis, you might have the same condition.
  • Excessive sweating affects your social life as you don't want to shake hands due to wet palms.


Sweating is natural; this is how the body regulates its temperature and keeps you comfortable during serious situations and hot weather. But, how much you sweat normally depends on your age, body composition, and metabolic rates. Many people sweat more than normal. Therefore, they always have sweaty palms.

So, if you are the one who sweats too much, remember that hormonal changes, infection, diabetes, medicines, anxiety, fever, leukemia, obesity, heart attack, and thyroid issues could be major causes of excessive sweating.

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